As we contemplate our mortality through the prism of TV review shows and articles outlining various narratives of the noughties and delusion, I would like to remind everyone of a small item of news about Elvis, which appeared in November.
It appears that the same CIA who lost six, seven or was it eight agents in Afghanistan has awarded Osma Bin Laden the codeword Elvis.
Now, I'm the last person to discourage an interest in the iconography of Elvis and I am certainly not going to bang on about how the CIA created Bin Laden and his aledged network of Evil, al-Qa'ida or whatever other nonsense comes out of Langley, The River House or any of those other places where the secret police forces are based.
However, I would like to remind everyone that Elvis actually died more than 30 years ago and the notion that the largest secret police force in the world is looking for him is beyond ironic. My prediction for the next decade is this:
While we refuse to acknowledge our culture is capable of producing nothing better than vacuous irony, well, no-one will ever find Elvis.
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