I joined Billy Bragg's nobonus4RBS facebook group this afternoon after reading an article online this morning at the Guardian website. I think it is a wonderful, creative and humourous way to protest.
Do I think the government will be quaking in its boots? No.
Like about a third of those in Britain who actually declare their earnings, I file my tax return online towards the end of January and pay up via a debit card. Last year and other years, I paid on time. This year, I'm not going to pay it at all.
It's a small protest. It will cost me an extra £100 on top of my tax bill which of course, HM Revenue will seek from me. However, I have taken a stand and would encourage others to do the same.
This government can get Gordon Brown to Copenhagen but cannot ensure the country's transport system operates when there's snow. This government can send an army to invade Iraq but struggles to protect it from a small number of dedicated young men laying road side bombs. This government has mortgaged my grandchildren's future to Chinese (and other foreign) banks and now expects me to pay the fools responsible...........again!
I keep hearing the same thing about executive remuneration. It goes like this, "one has to pay the best to attract and keep the best". My response is that maybe we should remember what best means. "Best" doesn't mean bringing down a financial system and then asking those who rescued it to pay an extra tip to those who brought it there. There are other words for that.
I'm not polluting the environment, I'm not invading a country without a UN mandate, I'm not risking my grandchildren's future: I'm just not going to pay my tax bill this year.
If the government wants my taxes, it can fuckin whistle.
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